
about me




In the Heart of Sciences

extended science classes

My name is Marcin Głowacki

I am a tutor with a proven track record of helping students succeed in physics, mathematics, and chemistry at primary and secondary school level, as well as their equivalents in other education systems. I work with students attending schools following the Polish, British, French, and IBDP curricula. I provide intensive, online, and in-person revision courses for GCSEs, A Levels, University Admissions Tests (such as OMPT, PAT, MAT, AMAT, EngAA, etc.), and other mathematics tests (e.g., GMAT).

years of experience
10 000+
hours of work with young people

Projects conducted during the course

Our classes go beyond the standard school curriculum. In addition to covering core topics, we have the unique opportunity to conduct hands-on experiments, construct educational aids, and engage in electronic and IT projects. These activities can be tailored to fulfill additional school work, Internal Assessment, and other academic requirements.

photo of a breadboard
simple illuminance meter on a breadboard

image of a sine wave
listening and watching the sine wave

image of a light spectrum
analysis of spectra of diluted gases

photo of a telescope
learning about the construction of a telescope

image of the sun
watching the sunspots

photo of two multimeters
simple electrical measurements



In my first year of high school, while look­ing for a tu­tor to help me with my uni­ver­si­ty ap­pli­ca­tion abroad (to the US, UK and the Nether­lands) and to pre­pare for all the ex­ams that came with it, I came across Mr. Marcin. Not on­ly have these tu­tor­ing ses­sions yield­ed great re­sults (I now get of­fers from var­i­ous uni­ver­si­ties), they are a sheer plea­sure. The unique­ly in­di­vid­ual and com­pre­hen­sive ap­proach, ef­fec­tive meth­ods and sup­port that Mr. Marcin has shown me over the years of know­ing him are un­par­al­leled. I have not met a bet­ter teacher :D

from the website Google Maps from 2022-01-25


Af­ter try­ing to work with dif­fer­ent tu­tors, I can say with a clear con­science that I am glad I came across Mr. Marcin. To­geth­er with him, I was able to pass my Ex­tend­ed Bac­calau­re­ate in Math­e­mat­ics (which was ex­treme­ly dif­fi­cult this year) well and get in­to my dream uni­ver­si­ty abroad. Work­ing with Mr. Marcin was very pleas­ant and I would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend him to any­one look­ing for a com­pe­tent math teacher.

from the website Google Maps from 2022-01-25


Sci­ence sub­jects have nev­er been my strong point, but tu­tor­ing with Mr. Mar­cin made me stop look­ing at them as at whitchcraft. I have had many tu­tors be­fore, but no one could ex­plain maths and physics to me in such an in­ter­est­ing and un­der­stand­able way. What is in­no­v­a­tive for me is that the tu­tor writes down notes dur­ing the les­son, as this al­lows me to con­cen­trate in class and then it is eas­i­er to re­peat for tests with the ma­te­r­i­al ready (sent right af­ter the les­son). I can rec­om­mend Mr. Mar­cin to every­one, even IB stu­dents, be­cause in this area the teacher al­so has im­pres­sive knowl­edge and is able to per­fect­ly ex­plain every top­ic (and the se­crets of the cal­cu­la­tor:))

from the website E-korepetycje from 2022-01-28


You could not ask for a bet­ter sci­ence teacher. Mr. Marcin is the per­fect choice. I went through the en­tire IB high school with him re­vis­ing the maths and physics ma­te­r­i­al. I could al­ways count on his help. He is al­so avail­able af­ter class­es. The class­es can even take place al­most at night — it all de­pends on the stu­dent. The biggest ad­van­tage is that they are held on­line. Mr. Marcin has ad­vanced equip­ment (tablets, cam­eras, etc.), and I al­ways re­ceived notes in pdf for­mat (many times with ad­di­tion­al de­scrip­tions) right af­ter the class­es. Mr. Marcin re­al­ly knows his stuff and is able to con­vey his knowl­edge very well. You can do al­most every­thing with him (as­sign­ments, new ma­te­r­i­al, ex­per­i­ments, analy­ses). I have nev­er met such an en­gaged teacher.

from the website E-korepetycje from 2022-02-15


I worked with Mr. Marcin from mid­dle school through the end of high school and thanks to him I got in­to my dream uni­ver­si­ty. Mr. Marcin teach­es class­es very schemat­i­cal­ly and un­der­stand­ably, which for me is the most im­por­tant thing in learn­ing maths. On top of that, Mr. Marcin is al­ways pre­pared and has so­lu­tions to every prob­lem, even when the class had to go to re­mote, he man­aged it very well. I high­ly rec­om­mend:)

from the website Google Maps from 2022-02-06


Mr. Marcin is the best sci­ence teacher I have ever had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to work with. We have worked to­geth­er for many years dur­ing which Mr. Marcin has helped me with maths, fi­nance and eco­nom­ics. I high­ly rec­om­mend :)

from the website Google Maps from 2022-01-27


Mr. Marcin is the per­son thanks to whom I went from be­ing quite weak in physics to a lev­el that guar­an­teed me easy ad­mis­sion to the com­put­er sci­ence de­part­ment of the War­saw Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy :D The class­es we had were al­ways in­ter­est­ing and valu­able, Mr. Marcin was able to come with a whole suit­case of equip­ment just to show me live how some­thing worked, thanks to which I was able to grasp it in 5 min­utes, not 50. I al­so re­ceived a lot of study ma­te­ri­als, nec­es­sary home­work and straight­en out when it was need­ed ;) I def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend :D

from the website Google Maps from 2022-01-26


The best maths teacher I have ever had! He knows all the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy to en­hance learn­ing, such as a spe­cial graph­ic tablet con­nect­ed to the com­put­er so he can tu­tor me re­mote­ly. He is able to help with maths as­sign­ments at any lev­el, in­clud­ing the as­sign­ments I now have for uni­ver­si­ty. Most im­por­tant­ly, he is very pa­tient, un­der­stand­ing and al­ways pre­pared for class.

from the website E-korepetycje from 2019-11-26


I "found" Mr. Marcin on the in­ter­net so I did­n't re­al­ly know what to ex­pect. Af­ter the first class I was al­ready en­thralled and in that en­thral­ment I con­tin­ue to this day. He is a bril­liant teacher and tru­ly pas­sion­ate about both physics and math­e­mat­ics. Al­ways per­fect­ly pre­pared, he is able to solve any prob­lem. He has a wealth of knowl­edge and is able to pass it on in an ac­ces­si­ble way, with great pas­sion. In ad­di­tion, you can count on his help at any time, he makes bril­liant notes, im­me­di­ate­ly checks the as­sign­ments. I have rec­om­mend­ed Marcin to sev­er­al peo­ple and they all praised him very much. I rec­om­mend his class­es to every­one!

from the website E-korepetycje from 2013-08-04


Mr. Mar­cin is an ex­cel­lent teacher. He is per­fect­ly pre­pared for each les­son, he has a lot of ideas and the way he pass­es knowl­edge is very ef­fec­tive. But the most im­por­tant thing is that he does it all with pas­sion and in­ter­est. In ad­di­tion, he has a wealth of knowl­edge, not on­ly in physics and math­e­mat­ics. There is al­so no prob­lem to talk to him about top­ics com­plete­ly un­re­lat­ed to school. What's more, he is very in­volved in teach­ing even be­yond lessons. He looks for ma­te­ri­als, cre­ates pre­sen­ta­tions and sends as­sign­ments. I rec­om­mend him to ab­solute­ly every­one, be­cause such a teacher is the best there can be.

from the website E-korepetycje from 2013-06-20


Mr. Marcin has been tu­tor­ing my son (high school maths class) in physics and maths for a year. He is very pa­tient, calm and ex­plains un­til he un­der­stands. The knowl­edge he im­parts of­ten goes be­yond the cur­ricu­lum. He is a pro­fes­sion­al. He has a wealth of knowl­edge and is able to make the sub­ject in­ter­est­ing. I high­ly rec­om­mend.

from the website E-korepetycje from 2012-09-25


I rec­om­mend physics. Marcin is able to con­vey his knowl­edge of physics in a great way, which made it much more ac­ces­si­ble and un­der­stand­able, and the fi­nal ex­am was a con­fir­ma­tion of that; I got in­to the Fac­ul­ty of Med­i­cine at the Uni­ver­si­ty of War­saw.

from the website E-korepetycje from 2011-11-11


  • Irregular classes
  • on demand
  • free cancellation 24 hours before
  • invoice after each class or at the end of the month
  • £75

    60 minutes
  • Regular classes
  • scheduled for the entire school year
  • free rescheduling 24 hours before
  • invoice at the end of the month
  • £71

    60 minutes
